Metz Anniversaries
Dublin Core
Metz Anniversaries
Collection Items
Celebrating Metz's 90th Anniversary 2006-2007
This is a big black binder full of hundred of photographs from the 2006-2007 school year, the 90th anniversary of Metz Elementary. This includes photographs of field trips, holiday celebrations, the school library, the habitat garden, student…
Hundred Years Anniversary Artwork
Student artwork celebrating the 100 year anniversary of Metz Elementary
90th Anniversary Recognition from Texas Senate
Senate Resolution No. 1055 which recognizes Metz' 90th anniversary and highlights Metz' contributions to the East Austin community and its role as an "important part of the Mexican American community."
Celebrating Metz's 90th Birthday Photo Album- Photos 1-20
Photo album consisting of the school's 90th commissioned year. Pt. 1
Celebrating Metz's 90th Birthday Photo Album- Photos 21-40
Photo album consisting of the school's 90th commissioned year. Pt. 2
Class Presentation
This is a perfect example of daily life for a Metz student in the 1959-1960 school year. Here is photographed a group of children ready to present their project on Southeast Asia.
Celebrating Metz' 90th Birthday Photo Album- Photos 61-80
Photo album consisting of the school's 90th commissioned year. pt. 4
Celebrating Metz's 90th Birthday Photo Album- Photos 81-100
Photo album consisting of the school's 90th commissioned year. pt. 5
Celebrating Metz's 90th Anniversary Photo Album - Found Notes: Miscellaneous
A collection of memos and a handwritten note found inside a photo album celebrating Metz's 90th anniversary. The contents or purpose of these notes is unclear, but they provide insight into the daily planning activities at Metz.
Celebrating Metz's 90th Anniversary (White Binder, Part I)
Binder with assorted photos surrounding Metz's 90th anniversary
Social Bookmarking
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